Castle McCullen; Callander, Scotland...
In one of the extravagant guest chambers, two enigmatic twins converse...
Xamot: --devilishly handsome? Yes, I know. But what about me? Do you think--
Tomax: --this McCullen fellow will make fun of your scar? Probably.
Xamot: Merde!
Seconds later...
Tomax: Mr. McCullen, I presume?
James McCullen XXIV: Aye, laddie. I assume you've got the warheads so we can proceed?
Tomax: Oui, monsieur. The detonators are in this case.
James McCullen XXIV: Excellent, gentlemen. Well, I'll take these and be on my way to commence Phase Two of the plan.
Xamot: It's just a scar. Lots of people have them.
James McCullen XXIV: Yeh, well it's bloody hideous, that.
Tomax: I can tell that--
Xamot: --my feelings are hurt? Duh, Tomax. Duh.
Tomax: You're a baby. No wonder mom put us up for adoption.
Xamot: You're such a douche, Tomax.